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Seeds | Marigold Starfire Mix

Seeds | Marigold Starfire Mix

Regular price $8.00 CAD
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Starfire Mix marigolds, along with their relatives of the Tagetes genus, are annual plants native to Mexico and Central America, popular for their delicate, tiny, single, golden-to-orange flowers, lacy foliage and dwarf habit.

There are many reasons why marigolds are used widely as an old-fashioned bedding plant: They are hardy and easy to grow – a leading companion plant that repels pests, and their flowers and leaves have a superb citrusy flavour.

Beyond being a common decorative plant, one of the most striking uses for the plant is in ‘Day of the Dead’ celebrations in Mexico, where they are called Flores de Muerto. 

Companion plant Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, melons.

Details Open tab Latin name Tagetes tenuifolia Seeds 300 seeds

Name:  Marigold Variety Starfire Mix

A brilliant, old-fashioned flower that enhances joy and life

Plant size:  Height 30 cm Width 30 cm

Package size Height 20 cm Width 20 cm

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